YOI Meditation Centre for Dallas

Ancient Himalayan Yoga and Meditation protocols for individuals and organizations
Discover the ancient, authentic & transformational yoga
Transform your life with
Yoga of Immortals
Yoga of Immortals (YOI) is a very unique program that combines physical exercises, breathwork, meditation and sacred sounds in a scientific way, to help individuals nurture their energy and to develop a focused, razor sharp, peaceful, and one-pointed mind. YOI helps professionals to unleash their creativity and awaken their innovative spirit in order to optimize their productivity.



“A human being is not a finite being, as all his limitations make him believe. Each one of us has untapped potential to create good health, success, happiness & positivity.
It is just a matter of realizing this and actively pursuing this realization until it becomes a reality.”
Transform your life by investing 5 minutes a day
Modular protocols made flexible for in-person recurring sessions or app-based interventions to practice anytime and anywhere.

5 Minutes - Basic
The 5 minutes YOI protocol everyday aligns the functional brain activity patterns, creating a faster reaction time, along with a deep calmness as your parasympathetic system takes over & releases hormones & chemicals to relax the practitioner. This is largely comprised of a combination of breathwork and light exercise
15 Minutes - Intermediate
These protocols go deeper and juxtapose breathwork (conscious focused breathing being in complete awareness of it) with cognitive stimulation & positive affirmations. This protocol/intervention allows for quicker neural regeneration.
30 Minutes - Advanced
The YOI advanced program integrates cognitive, neurological, emotional and physical dimensions structured in a manner to bring absolute well-being.
What people are saying?
A proven process with a worldwide impact
People trained globally
Meditation programs
Meditation sessions
Professionals addressed during corporate sessions
Philanthropic initiatives globally
Corporate sessions delivered at: